Competitor Analysis - IoT Platforms
Industria: Ingeniería y consultoría
Ingeniería especializada en desarrollo HW y desarrollo de proyectos end-to-end con las tecnologías más punteras del mercado.
Este proyecto no admite nuevos estudiantes
The main objective of this project is to understand the current position of platform in the market and from there, create a plan to implement the growth strategy.
Therefore, we would like to better understand the market by comparing our IoT platform to its top 5 competitors. This comparison must be done based on different aspects such as pricing startegy, target customers, offered features among others, etc. (see template).
We are interested in meeting canditates who would like to join our Marketing team in an Internship once we can evaluate, through this project, the quality of their work.
Therefore, we would like to better understand the market by comparing our IoT platform to its top 5 competitors. This comparison must be done based on different aspects such as pricing startegy, target customers, offered features among others, etc. (see template).
We are interested in meeting canditates who would like to join our Marketing team in an Internship once we can evaluate, through this project, the quality of their work.
Perfil de proyecto
Investigación mercado
Posibilidad Prácticas Virtuales:
La empresa puede ofrecer prácticas virtuales. Para hablar de esta posibilidad, inscríbete en el proyecto y espera a ser aceptado. Asegúrate de tener un perfil bien formado, completo, con todos tus datos de contacto.
Las preguntas y respuestas dan más información al Estudiante sobre lo que la Empresa está buscando.
Do you already know who your competitors are, or should the student identify them?
We would like the student to identify our 10 main competitors and their differences. Also, we would like the student to do an in-depth analysis of our top 5 competitors in the market.
What would you like to know about your competitors?
We would like to know what their platforms offer as well as a complete comparative analysis (see attached documents to understand which format we are looking for).
Anything else you would like to tell the students?
We are looking for someone to join us in the Marketing department, to help with our communications and social media. Would you like to join us? This is your perfect opportunity to join a company positioned in one of the most innovative sectors nowadays. We are looking forward to finding a great candidate.
Los Entregables ayudan a estructurar el trabajo en varias fases. En cada entregable/fase, el estudiante enviará una parte del trabajo, para que Estudiante y Empresa puedan debatir el trabajo en puntos intermedios.
Market Analysis
Identify the top 10 most trendy IoT platforms in 2020, and let us know which 5 you would like to choose for an in depth analysis
Documentos a entregar
A list in the chat or an excel with the platforms and websites
Comparative analysis
From the top 10 previously chosen companies, identify the 5 direct competitors and create a comparative analysis based on the following characteristics:
- Products / Services
- Pricing strategy,
- Support: comparison on support offered and pricing
- Official partners
- Blog: comparison in terms of insightful content creation and what is offered
- Social media:
(Please download the proposed document by the company to see an example)
- Products / Services
- Pricing strategy,
- Support: comparison on support offered and pricing
- Official partners
- Blog: comparison in terms of insightful content creation and what is offered
- Social media:
(Please download the proposed document by the company to see an example)
Documentos a entregar
Powerpoint (see template)
Suggestions report
Based on the competitors analysis we would like to have a report which includes recommended actions for The report should be divided and organized according to the comparison made from the competitors and the compared features.
Documentos a entregar
Powerpoint or Word with suggestions - see template