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Market Research - Innovative businesses


Industria: Innovación

Imagen de Perfil

Innobooster es una agencia privada de innovación, especializada en impulsar los mejores proyectos de innovación a nivel internacional para ayudar a entidades a conseguir y superar sus objetivos de innovación y crecimiento.

Este proyecto no admite nuevos estudiantes


Company description: Innobooster is an innovation private agency, specialized in boosting the most innovative projects at international level in order to help companies to establish and achieve growth objectives. We help startups grow in sales and financing.

Perfil de proyecto

Investigación mercado


Las preguntas y respuestas dan más información al Estudiante sobre lo que la Empresa está buscando.

Project objective

o Identify companies in the following technological sectors (preferably in Spain, but expand to Europe if needed).
o Once you have a representative list, research what of these companies would be most likely to externalize their sales department.
o Sectors (*Take into account that solutions could be HW and/or SW):
 Circular economy B2B Solutions
 Energy efficiency B2B Solutions
 Processes improvement B2B Solutions
 Health B2B Solutions
 User experience B2B Solutions

Additional information - While working on the project

1. Keep track of all the interesting sources, webpages, etc. that you find. This will help you develop a solid based of resources for your final report.
2. Find examples of companies with similar challenges or business models, keep track and summarize findings in a structured way.
3. Be creative and adapt. I can guarantee that you will not be able to address the problem 100%. This is normal, it happens in every research. The important thing is to adapt, so that you still add value in addressing the problem.


Los Entregables ayudan a estructurar el trabajo en varias fases. En cada entregable/fase, el estudiante enviará una parte del trabajo, para que Estudiante y Empresa puedan debatir el trabajo en puntos intermedios.

Preparation for first briefing with the company

- Visit the company website and social media
- Spend a bit of time thinking the problem the company is having, and ways you could approach it.
- Prepare Mini-plan/Ideas: Thoughts on how you will approach the problem.
- Limitations: What troubles you? What looks difficult? Suggestions on addressing this, or compromises you can make.
- Use the briefing to double check that you are on the right track.
Documentos a entregar
Word/Excel/Power point document

Final report

1. One Executive Summary slide (this one can be text, bullet points, or of any other structure you like).

2. A main PowerPoint presentation, 20 slides maximum. This should include
Introduction, Questions, Methodology, Results, Conclusions, recommendations.
- It should be self-explanatory, and easy to follow.
- Use graphs, tables, and other ways of organizing information. Avoid long texts.
- This is supposed to be read, not presented. So adapt accordingly.
- Although Supplementary Materials are allowed (see below), the main presentation should leave no doubts.

3.Supplementary Materials. As many slides as you like, with screenshots, graphs, tables, or other information that you think is useful, but that did not fit in the main presentation.
You can also attach a spreadsheet with any information that is easier to deal with in this format.

4. One slide with useful links and resources (Although you can also place sources that are relevant in each slide, gathering them at a single place helps).
Documentos a entregar
Word/powerpoint document or similar Google Docs. Important: include all sources.
Este proyecto no admite nuevos estudiantes